Nicolas Cachanosky

Nicolas Cachanosky

Director | Center for Free Enterprise

The University of Texas at El Paso


I’m Associate Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Free Enterprise at The University of Texas at El Paso, Senior Fellow at the American Institute of Economic Research (AIER), and Fellow of the UCEMA Friedman-Hayek Center for the Study of a Free Society. I also serve as Associate Editor of the Southern Economic Journal. I’m past president of the Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE) and former director of The Mont Pelerin Society (MPS).

In this website you can find information about my research. I also blog at Economic Order.

Download my CV

  • PhD in Economics, 2013

    Suffolk University

  • MA in Economics and Political Sc, 2007


  • Licentiate in Economics, 2004

    Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Recent & Upcoming Talks

Argentina’s Transformation Opportunity? Milei’s Economics and Prospects
| Thursday, September 5, 2024
| Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University | Lubbock, TX

Dollarization in Argentina: Potential and Prospects
| September 22-26, 2024
| The Mont Pelerin Society | New Delhi, India

Dollarization in Argentina: Potential and Prospects
| October 16, 2024
| Florida Atlantic University | Boca Raton, FL

Argentina’s Transformation Opportunity? Milei’s Economics and Prospects
| October 16, 2024
| The Bastiat Society of Ft. Lauderdale | Ft. Lauderdale, FL

What Would an Audit of the Fed Show?
| Sunday, November 10, 2024
| Center for Constructive Alternatives at Hillsdale College | Hillsdale, MI

My books

Other academic positions


Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University
| Distinguished Visiting Scholar
| 2021 - 2022

American Institute for Economic Research
| Sound Money Project: Senior Fellow
| August 2019 - present
| Sound Money Project: Fellow
| August 2014 - July 2019

UCEMA Friedman-Hayek Center for the Study of a Free Society
| Fellow
| June 2021 - present

Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE)
| President
| 2021 - 2022
| Vice President
| 2020 - 2021
| Executive Committee
| 2016 - 2020

The Mont Pelerin Society
| Board of Directors
| 2018 - 2022

Instituto Acton Argentina
| Consejo Consultivo
| 2016 - present


LIBERTAS: Segunda Época
| Co-Editor
| 2016 - present

Southern Economic Journal
| Associate Editor
| 2024 - present

The Economists’ Voice
| Editorial Board
| 2021 - present

The Review of Austrian Economics
| Editorial Board
| 2019 - present